17 August 2013

Egypt Unrest Death Toll Reached 525 Souls

The death toll in Egypt unrest translucent figure exceeds 500 inhabitants. In a recent report, the total residents who were killed in bloody clashes that occurred on August 14, 2013 it reached 525 souls.

According to the Egyptian Health Ministry, the death toll has reached 525 people. However, different amount actually incurred by the Muslim Brotherhood, Reuters reported on Thursday (15/08/2013).

Egypt Unrest Death Toll Reached 525 Souls

Groups opposed to the military formation of the government stating that the death toll reached approximately 2,200 inhabitants. Most of the victims were supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of former President Mohammad Morsi, who was ousted by the military on July 3.

Riots broke out after the government forcibly evicted Mohamed Morsi supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood who are protesting. Officers threw tear gas and fired bullets at demonstrators bases.

Repressive action of the Egyptian Government has come under fire from many quarters. Egypt's Vice President Mohammad el Baradei to resign for not agree with bloodshed. State leaders also expressed concern at the loss of many victims.

Media workers among the victims in the riots in Cairo that. Officers accused of deliberately attacking journalists to cover events in the field.

Three journalists were reported killed in the incident. Two of them, Michael Deane and Habiba Ahmed Abd Elaziz, died after receiving a bullet from a sniper. Deane was a cameraman for the television station Sky News, while a reporter for the daily Elaziz Gulf.

Journalists of the newspaper Al Akhbar, Babylon Gawad Ahmed, reportedly was killed while covering the unrest. However, the cause of death is not yet known what Gawad.