12 March 2013

British Man Killed by Cart Checkout

British Man Killed by Cart Checkout
illustration © Wikimedia
A middle-aged men in the UK aged 60 years died after collision with a trolley. In the incident that occurred in one of the shopping center, the victim was involved in an argument with someone.

As reported by Mirror.co.uk, Saturday (09/03/2013), this incident occurred in December 2012 ago. However victim named Michael Buckley finally succumbed to complications experienced disruption after the incident.

The incident began when Buckley who came from Forest Hill, south London is an argument while shopping at Marks and Spencer store in The Glades shopping center, Bromley. Eyewitnesses said that Buckley was hit by using a trolley or a basket of groceries by a woman.

He then fell to the ground and suffered a number of injuries including a fractured hip and wrist. Buckley then rushed to a nearby hospital to receive medical treatment.

Apparently, the incident also lead to complications of health problems that led to his death on Tuesday (5/3). Buckley had sebalum critical condition died.

A 30-year-old woman arrested local police-related incident. The case is still under investigation by the Serious Crimes Division and Homicide Scotland Yard, London Police.

Local authorities are still doing an autopsy on the body of Buckley to find out the cause of death.