21 February 2013

U.S. Ready to Attack Behind Chinese Related Cyber ​​Attacks

U.S. Ready to Attack Behind Chinese Related Cyber ​​Attacks
Often the target of a cyber attack allegedly launched by China to make the United States stifling. According to an official of the country, the White House will conduct a series of more aggressive action to respond to what is known as cyber attacks and cyber theft (stealing cyber) associated with the Chinese government.

The White House plan comes after a cyber security firm based in Virginia released details of a secret military unit in Shanghai China launched cyber attacks over the years against the U.S. companies. After doing the analysis, at least 140 U.S. companies affected by this attack. The company, Mandiant, said they can connect this attack with one unit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Unit 61 398. Military experts believe the unit is part of the Chinese military's cyber.

Mandiant report, complete with details of three major hacking and photographs from one of the buildings of military units in Shanghai, increasing pressure on the U.S. to take action against so-called cyber espionage activities conducted systemic.

"If the Chinese government to fly the plane (without permission) into our airspace, our planes would drive them away. If it happens twice, three or four, the president will pick up the phone and there will be no threat of retaliation," said former FBI executive assistant director, Shawn Henry. "This happens thousands of times a day. Should be some definition of where the red line and what its impacts."

Henry, now president CrowdStrike cyber security company, said that instead of telling the company to improve their cyber security, the government should focus more on how to prevent state-sponsored hacking.

The Chinese government, meanwhile, has denied any involvement in the cyber attacks were traced by Mandiant. Instead, the country's Foreign Ministry said that China is also a victim of hacking. According to a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Hong Lei, citing a report agency under the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said in 2012 that hackers use viruses and other malicious software to seize control of the 1400 computers in China and 38,000 websites.

"In between attacks, the majority coming from the U.S.," Hong said at a press conference.

Cybersecurity experts said the U.S. government has carried out similar attacks or steal data from Chinese firms. However, they acknowledged that intelligence agencies routinely spy on other countries.